
Recent Projects

Scholarly       Trade     Database


While Rome Burned: Fire, Leadership, and Urban Disaster in the Roman Cultural Imagination by Virginia M. Closs (University of Michigan Press)

Downward Mobility: The Form of Capital in the Sentimental Novel
by Katherine Binhammer (Johns Hopkins University Press)

Korean Families, Yesterday and Today
by Hyunjoon Park and Hyeyoung Woo (University of Michigan Press)

The Invention of Jewish Theocracy
by Alexander Kaye (Oxford University Press)

Music, Education, and Religion: Intersections and Entanglements
edited by Alexis Kallio (Indiana University Press)

Visions of Development in Central Asia: Revitalizing the Culture Concept
by Noor O'Neill Borbieva (Lexington Books/Rowman & Littlefield)

Sailing School: Navigating Science & Skill
by Margaret Schotte (Johns Hopkins University Press)

Perceptions of a Polarized Court: How Division Among Justices Shapes the Supreme Court's Public Image
by Michael F. Salamone (Temple University Press)

Liberalism Is Not Enough: Race and Poverty in Postwar Political Thought
by Robin Marie Averbeck (University of North Carolina Press)

Jewish Philosophy in the Middle Ages
by T.M. Rudavsky (Oxford University Press)


Agile Web Development With Rails 6 by Sam Ruby and David Bryant Copeland (The Pragmatic Programmers)

Rescuers: Portraits of Moral Courage in the Holocaust by Gay Block and Malka Drucker (Radius Books)

Zero: A New Approach to Non-Alcoholic Drinks by Allen and Sarah Hermberger (The Alinea Group)

Endometriosis: A Guide for Girls by Tamer Seckin (Turner Publishing Company)

Do No Harm: The Opioid Epidemic by Harry Wiland with Peter Segall (Turner Publishing Company)

Software Estimation Without Guessing by George Dinwiddie (The Pragmatic Programmers)

Conquer the Clutter: Strategies to Identify, Manage, and Overcome Hoarding by Elaine Birchall and Suzanne Cronkwright (Johns Hopkins University Press)

May We Suggest: Restaurant Menus and the Art of Persuasion by Alison Pearlman (Surrey Books)

Gnocchi, Solo Gnocchi: A Comprehensive Guide to Italy's Other Favorite First Course by Christine Y. Hickman (Radius Books)

Database Projects

Yellow Pages content injection. Taxonomy enrichment for the Yellow Pages of Canada.

Education assets indexing. Indexing and tagging of digital assets for textbook publisher. Materials included images, graphs, lessons, and support files. Used natural and controlled vocabularies to index content, format, title, and contributors, among other fields.

Bartlett's Familiar Quotations app (Potomac Indexing, LLC): Part of a team that indexed thousands of quotations for subject, tone, occasion, and emotional content.

Sabin Americana Series and Goldsmiths’-Kress Library (Gale Digital Collections): 18th and 19th century documents on slavery, including letters, reports and monographs. Electronic tagging of cookbooks. Titles include Cuisine Rapide by Jacques Pepin; Summer Cooking by Elizabeth David; Every Day’s a Party by Emeril Lagasse; and Comfort Foods by Rachael Ray.

Canadian primary documents: Indexing of speeches by Canadian Parliamentarians.

Community health links: indexing of a database of community health websites

Curriculum Standards in Language Arts, Science, and Mathematics for Kentucky, New York and several other states

Dictionary of Literary Biography: Work included 16th-Century French Novelists; Booker Prize Novels; and standalone volumes on Raymond Chandler and The House of Putnam, 1837-1872

“But how can it have remained so long undiscovered, when there is a sure index to it if men will but take the trouble to look?” Jonathan Harker in Dracula by Bram Stoker.