
Professional Activities

Immediate Past-President, American Society for Indexing, 2019-2020.

President, American Society for Indexing, 2018-2019.

President-ElectAmerican Society for Indexing, 2017-2018.

Director-at-large,  American Society for Indexing, 2014-2017.

Co-moderator, ASI Jobs hotline, 2013-2018.

Co-president, Heartland Chapter, American Society for Indexing 2008-2010.

Secretary, Heartland Chapter, American Society for Indexing 2014-present; 2006-2008.

Member, Culinary Indexing Special Interest Group of the American Society for Indexing.

Member, Digital Publications Indexing Special Interest Group of the American Society for Indexing. 

Member, Periodical Database Indexing Special Interest Group of the American Society for Indexing.

Member, American Society for Indexing, 2005-present.

Presentation: In Defense of Markup, ASI National Conference, Scottsdale AZ, April 2019. Subsequently published as "In defense of markup" in The Indexer vol. 38 no.1, 2020.

Panel participant, ASI National Conference 2011: "Going Global: Working in a Multilingual and Multicultural World." Subsequently published my part of the presentation as "Database indexing basics" in The Indexer vol. 29 no.4, December 2011.

Panel participant, indexing course at Wayne State University, 2005-2011.

Continuing Education: ASI National Conferences in Scottsdale, AZ (2019),  Cleveland, OH (2018), Portland, ME (2017), Chicago (2016), Seattle (2015), Charleston (2014), San Antonio (2013), Providence (2011), and Minneapolis (2010). Numerous regional meetings of the Heartland and Chicago/Great Lakes chapters.

Book reviewer for Library Journal 1998-present. Subjects include cookbooks, cocktails, coffee, and fiction.

“But how can it have remained so long undiscovered, when there is a sure index to it if men will but take the trouble to look?” Jonathan Harker in Dracula by Bram Stoker.